Himalayan Freshwaters Workshop Series

Himalayan Freshwaters Workshop Series

The project aims to organize a series of workshops to facilitate discussions, disseminate information, and brainstorm ideas about freshwater ecosystems in the Himalayas. The workshops will engage the project team, students, stakeholders, and experts to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences about the services and threats to these vital ecosystems. Through these workshops, participants will have the opportunity to learn from each other, exchange ideas, and explore potential solutions to the challenges facing freshwater ecosystems in the Himalayas. The workshops will also provide a platform to foster collaboration and build partnerships between different stakeholders to collectively work toward these ecosystems' conservation and sustainable management.

These workshops will also contribute to capacity building by providing a platform for learning, skill-building, and empowering participants to become agents of change for the conservation and sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems.

We plan to organize three workshops (one each year) under the project

One-day workshop on

Himalayan Freshwaters 

Assessing the Services and Vulnerability of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas

Date: June 6, 2023

Venue: Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee

Conducted by

Department of Hydrology, 

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

For more details: Click here

One-day workshop on

Himalayan Freshwaters 

Assessing the Services and Vulnerability of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas

Date: May 21, 2024

Venue: Kailash Hall, ICIMOD

Conducted by

Nepal Engineering College

in collaboration with

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

For more details: Click here